Best tips for Pre-Puja Haircare

Best tips for Pre-Puja Haircare - Keya Seth Aromatherapy

pre puja hair care tips

Beautiful, problem free hair can always add a lot to your glamour but it often remains a dream for many of us. Hair fall, dandruff, itchy scalp, dry, damaged hair is only reality in today’s pollution-plagued environment.  While you might not be able to change the environment quickly, you can always change the condition of your hair by opting for the right hair care. A little extra care can solve out your hair problems & give you the locks that you will love.

Do not delay to start your pre-puja hair care, so that you can style your mane as you wish during the festive. Check out the pre-puja hair care tips to solve all your hair problems,

Cleanse your hair & scalp properly & regularly

use proper shampoo for hair health

As already mentioned, the increased level of pollution in the environment is a major cause of hair problems & in order to safeguard your hair from the pollution, keeping your hair & scalp clean is a must. However, at the same time, washing your hair regularly with a soap based shampoo can dry it out, leaving your mane weak, brittle & prone to fall.

So, wash your hair every alternate day but with the right cleanser. The Shine & Silk hair cleanser range has the best shampoos for regular use. These shampoos are mild & they do not reap off the essential oils from the hair while cleansing them from dirt & grime.  Pick a Shine & Silk shampoo according to your hair type & needs, & use it in the suggested way to get the desired results. 

If your have dandruff opt for the Dandruff Removal Shampoo. In case of itchy scalp use Neem or Ginger Shampoo. For dry hair the Honey Shampoo & Spa Shampoo works best. If you have artificial color on your hair go for the Colour Retaining Shampoo & for limp hair the Volume shampoo will work miraculously.       

Nourish the hair roots to stop hair fall

nourish the hair roots

When it comes to hair care, the roots certainly dictate a lot. Nourishing the scalp & the hair roots is a must in order to ensure that your hairs are problem free. For hair root nourishment, Alopex is highly effective. So, if you are suffering from hair fall, start using Alopex Penta or any other variety of alopex as per needs, from today.

To flaunt beautiful hairstyles during Puja, it is important to make your hair healthy at the roots so that the hairstyles & chemical treatments do not trigger hair fall. Regular use of Alopex Long & Stronwill not only solve the problem of hair fall but will also make your hair softer & shinier.

Homemade hair pack for root nourishment

fenugreek and olive oil hair pack


Soak a handful of methi (fenugreek) in clean water overnight. In the morning make a smooth paste with it. Add 2 spoons of olive oil to the methi paste, mix well & apply onto your scalp. Leave on for an hour, covering your head with a shower cap. Wash off with a mild shampoo.

aloe vera and jojoba hair pack


Aloe Vera is a natural & effective hair root nourisher. Jojoba flowers are also great for the scalp & hair. Mix 2 spoons of pure Aloe Vera juice with 5-8 jojoba flowers in a blender. Apply the resulting pack onto your scalp & hair. Leave on for an hour without letting the pack get dry. Wash off with plenty of water.

Treat the dandruff

treat dandruff naturally

One of the most common causes of hair fall is dandruff. No matter how beautiful you look in your Puja special hairstyles, dandruff in your hair or on your shoulders can affect your impression seriously. So, it is important that you get rid of dandruff before Puja. Root Active Anti Dandruff Solution is an easy treatment to get rid of dandruff. You should couple it with a proper anti-dandruff shampoo from the Shine & Silk range to get quick results.    

Home treatments for treating dandruff

  • Apple Cider Vinegar diluted with 50% water can work effectively as an anti-dandruff solution.
  • Massage a blend of 3-4 drops rosemary essential oil with 15-20 drops of coconut oil on your scalp everyday & wash it off after 2 hours to control dandruff.
  • Applying freshly prepared ginger juice on your scalp 10 minutes before taking a head bath is also effective in getting rid of dandruff.

However, these home remedies need to be followed religiously for quite sometime to get any result. If you are not planning to give so much time or energy, better opt for the Root Active Anti Dandruff Solution to get the same benefits. 

Mend the dry, damaged hair

nourishing hair pack

Dry & lifeless hair can ruin your puja special hairstyle. If you use heat or chemical colors on your hair, it is very usual for you to have damaged & rough hair. In such cases, a wise solution is to use the Aromatic Hair Spa from our range along with the Aromatic Spa Conditioning Serum to instill life in your dry locks.

However, if your hair is not damaged due to treatments but naturally towards dry, use the Hair Milk daily on your hairs before taking bath. It can also be used daily on healthy hair to ensure that your hair remain the same way. Hair milk will make your hair soft, nourished & more manageable.   

Solution for grey hair

get rid of grey hair

Pre-mature hair greying is now a common problem & there are many who avoid colors due to their harmful effects; but at the same time grey hair is a strict no for Puja. So, if you are suffering with grey hair, start using the Black Shine Hair oil or the 100% natural Black Shine hair color pack from now on, to cover the greys completely before the festive starts.

To get a natural burgundy tone in your hair, start using the Keya Seth Henna from now. You should also use the Colour Retaining Shampoo with the pack, hair oil or Henna to increase the longevity of the colour on your hair.

Follow the above tips according to your Hair-specific requirements from today & you are sure to see the results within weeks.  




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  • Author image
    Srikant: May 21, 2019

    Thank you for sharing a blog about best tips for pre puja haircare. The information provided is very relevant. To know more about hair fall visit us at

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