Blog 4: What is Aromatherapy

Nature has bestowed numerous gifts to mankind. With nature’s bounty human beings have more reasons to enjoy their lives to the fullest .
From the ancient civilization plants and herbs have been used for several preparations of medicines and therapeutic use .
Aromatherapy which is an excellent gifts of the nature where plant materials are used along with aromatic oils , including essential oils for physical wellness , improve general well being and treatment of several ailments .
Keya Seth with her excellent in-depth knowledge of Aromatherapy , once again she has presented a basket of products each with a remedial effect to certain physical ailments for treatment and cure .
To mention regarding her expertise a few products of her findings ( preparation with selective combination with required proportions of essential oil and plants extracts etc. ) , which she excels in the art of making , have been listed here below for therapeutic use .
Aromatherapy is the practice of using the natural oils extracted from different parts of the plants , which is form of complementary medicine. In aromatherapy , inhalation of essential oils stimulates the part of brain connected to smell – the olfactory system ( system associated with smell ) . When it is inhaled through nose , air borne molecules interact with the olfactory organs and , almost immediately the brain – the central nervous system. From where neuro chemicals are released for the treatment of various ailments . Once the essential oils is within the system ( by inhalation method) of our body it will work to re-establishharmony and revitalize those systems or organs where there is a malfunction or lack of balance. Aromatherapy has many usage as useful for massage and bath besides, inhalation. The effects of essential oils are many and varied , which are popularly known for their antiseptic properties besides, having the ability to restore balance to both body and mind . Many essential oils have the potentiality to stimulate healthy cells renewal and growth. Due to side effects of the synthetic drugs the medicinal world is now turning to the natural remedies for treatment once again. Natural remedies like using essential oils , which may act slowly in antibiotic sense but while killing off the bacteria or virus , it raises the body’s immune system to strengthen its resistance to further attack , which actually is one of its most positive side/ after effect. Use of essential oils is gaining momentum and such use backed by studies is becoming popular in parts of Central Europe , the USA, Australia and the UK etc.